One of the great philosophers says “I think therefore I exists”
but the scenario nowadays is people don’t think, they are just living like
vegetables. From where you start your day… you end up standing at the same end.
World covered under four walls is enough for you to live… It’s not about you can’t
get anything else, it’s about you don’t even think of having it… you don’t even
dream it.
It will be wrong to say that men are all faulty for whatever
discrimination woman face in this world. I want to draw everybody’s attention
of what I think about the women fault:
They can bear harassment on daily basis, while travelling on
bus, metro everywhere. But what they do about it, just wonder and cry for few
hours and then live like the same because mumma has always told us to stay far
from bad people, well! These bad people have no guts to do anything if you will
to stop them… your eyes are so prevailing but the things is you never wondered
you can do anything. You love to be a little baby doll who don’t have time to
fight for herself but cry when her jannu fights with her. You don’t want to show any body your hard
core attitude because you are busy texting your boyfriend which is the most
interesting lame conversation about your bathing eating and sleeping. It’s not
about you should leave living and pick up sword to kill people; it’s about you
can do many things productive in life rather wondering about the stupidest
stuff. And then it doesn't matter what it is, either you fight in your class-room
for your right or fight in parliament.
You hit each other while walking in hurry but never ever
give any apology but when any guy do the same to you… you cry for apologies...
but it’s insane! How can he just hit you… he must have done that for a reason
because you are most beautiful star alive. You can’t offer seat to an old women
because you are tired too but when same happens with your own people… you definitely
gets mad. Why you are so mean and careless about life, why? Why your world
revolves around your relationships and few friends… why can’t you give life a
second thought; just because you are so hurt by your breakups? You don’t have a
bit of individuality in yourself… you are not strong enough to face the
difficulties alone… even though you are not strong enough to go college alone…
you call your boyfriend to drop you… you don’t cut your hairs because he likes
it long and you love it when he calls you BABY!(like what the hell is wrong
with you? You’re a baby?). Don’t you know it affects your persona… these small things
you learn to sacrifice of your own and suppress them but they end up becoming
disaster one day you and lose your own self… because you always wanted to be
someone’s daughter, someone’s mother, and someone’s wife-that’s all you have
ever thought be.
Your parents are orthodox and they want you to get married
and you do it… because you are a weak sad girl. You cry why you are born girl
but you never wonder about fighting or taking any stand. There are many who
take stands and are proud on themselves but what you do is ignore them and cries,
because you are in the most difficult situation of the world. If you accept
that your parents are right and you should get married because you are 2o years
old and after all you have to get married one day so why not now. Your 30 years
old richi rich will keep you happy (now that you don’t have any identity go
adopt some else’s) and you do it. Well you should die then. You were born to be nothing… your existence
is worthless more than a dustbin. You will cry for women rights and obviously
your part of contribution would have done nothing. (And yes it’s easy to get
married rather to fight hard).
Fact:Everybody will get their right but never women… because
they are not UNITED… there is not a pinch of respect in woman’s eye for
another. They will for sure notice their shades of lipsticks or nail paints but
never their madness. They never give a damn about others life by saying a
simple thing that it’s not their life and they don’t have any right to
interfere... Either one dies in this sexist world. It’s an old say a woman is woman’s enemy; and
in fact it’s somewhere true. They can’t see each other happy either they will
admit it or not. (If you’ll think about it you surely have a name in your mind:
woman who is sadist or jealous).
You cry for years but never took any step because your
situations were very hard and god wasn't with you and you pray for mercy. What
you think you are doing? You think this is the most hard core thing you have
done in life and you admit you have seen life by talking no step for your own life
because your situation weren't with you. Ha!
_ Every being get chances, it’s just
you have to be aware of what it is… it’s easy to cry and become sad/
depressed but it’s hard to take steps and struggle. Everyone face difficulties
and that’s what life is… but sitting and wondering is no solution. But oh! You
can do nothing because you don’t know what to do… the ultimate solution you can
give to yourself and everybody else that you never knew what to do in this
situation and you were all alone, you didn't had anybody. Then you might also know that there are millions
of people who live whole of their life’s alone… or bought up in orphans... they
all doesn't die.
At least start thinking, give life your thoughts… thinking
is the beginning of everything... think why are you here… what you have to do…
life is a psychedelic game… play it with mind… leave all the shit behind and
think… at least think… I am sure you’ll end up doing anything intelligent if
you are in right trail. Go beyond your limitations and watch yourself fly. You are
the only one who can do anything for you.